Monday, March 8, 2010

The 2010 Census and the Importance of Redistricting

With April 1st, Census Day, just around the corner, the importance of taking part in the 2010 Census cannot be emphasized enough.

Charles Kuffner, writer of the political weblog, Off the Kuff, uses Mustafa Tameez’s op-ed piece from yesterday’s Houston Chronicle as a case in point from a political perspective. He indicates that Tameez highlights the purpose of redistricting, “the process by which the boundaries of elective districts are periodically redrawn to maintain equal representation on the basis of population.” Furthermore, Tameez calls attention to the fact that Texas Legislature will then set out drawing lines for redistricting, depending upon the population’s contribution and the official publication of the 2010 census.

Both Kuff and Tameez are right to stress the significance in participating in the 2010 Census. Due to the increase in population since the last census was taken in 2000, it is very possible for Texas to actually obtain up to four Congressional seats and additionally be granted billions in federal aid. I, too, agree that many are unaware of the process of the census and it’s ultimate benefit, further influence and representation in Washington for the state of Texas.
