Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Texas Governor Rick Perry Named Amongst Worst In Nation

Political watchdog group CREW, “Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington,” has lately named Texas Governor Rick Perry as among the worst governors in the entire nation. Gov. Perry was ranked along with ten others apparently not qualified for their jobs. Our governor’s list of infractions include use of campaign contributions on personal expenses, rejecting federal stimulus funds, and obstructing access to information linked to a death penalty case by refusing release of a clemency report.

To be fair-minded, CREW, is indeed a liberal watchdog group that was established by democratic activists and is financed by democrat money. Moreover, the group’s bias is apparent in some cases within their article. I do agree with the indication made last week by Paula Burka of BurkaBlog that Governor Perry “comes off pretty well” in comparison to his fellow colleagues listed, although in reality the CREW’s list merely scratches the surface and includes only his most recent errors of judgment. The clear fact that Governor Perry’s list of various transgressions are neither exaggerated nor overstated makes him all the shoddier. I am not and have never been a fan of our state’s current governor, nor am I partial to any of his aforementioned actions and proceedings. Come this year’s re-election, my vote will go elsewhere.

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